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  1. VPS环境准备
  2. 安装Cassandra





- 网络带宽:确保VPS提供商的网络带宽足够大,以满足数据传输的需求。

- 硬盘性能:选择SSD硬盘的VPS,以提高数据读写速度。

- 内存大小:Cassandra对内存的需求较高,建议选择内存较大的VPS。




sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade


sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk






tar -zxvf cassandra-3.11.6.tar.gz



The name of the cluster. This is mainly used to prevent machines in
one cluster from joining another.
cluster_name: 'Test Cluster'
The initial token for the first node in the cluster. This is optional,
but if specified, it must be unique for every cluster. It will be used
to determine the initial position of this node in the ring.
If this node is bootstrapping from an existing cluster, this should
be left as the default value.
initial_token: "0"
The partitioner to use for the cluster. This should not be changed
once set, as it will affect the distribution of data across the cluster.
partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
The endpoint snitch, which controls the selection of nodes responsible
for a piece of data.  This should not be changed once set, as it will
affect the distribution of data across the cluster.
endpoint_snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
Whether to enable the Thrift server or not.  The Thrift server is
mainly used for CQL clients and is enabled by default.
  enabled: true
  port: 9160
  frame_size_in_mb: 15
Whether to enable the CQL server or not.  The CQL server is used
for communicating with Cassandra through the CQL interface and is
enabled by default.
  enabled: true
  port: 9042
  ssl: false
The address to listen on for CQL clients.
listen_address: localhost
The address to listen on for Thrift clients.
thrift_address: localhost
The address to listen on for intra-node communication.
broadcast_address: localhost
The address to listen on for intra-node communication ( broadcasts )
broadcast_rpc_address: localhost
The address to listen on for JMX connections.
jmx_address: localhost
The address to listen on for RMI connections.
rmi_address: localhost
The address to listen on for native transport.
storage_port: 7000
The address to listen on for SSL encrypted native transport.
ssl_storage_port: 7001
The address to listen on for CQL clients.
cql_port: 9042
The address to listen on for Thrift clients.
thrift_port: 9160
The address to listen on for the cluster management interface (CMI).
cmi_port: 9990
The address to listen on for the metrics reporting service.
metrics_reporter_port: 9200
The address to listen on for the jolokia agent.
jolokia_port: 8778
The address to listen on for the HTTP service.
http_port: 8080
The address to listen on for the experimental HTTP service.
experimental_http_port: 8081
The address to listen on for the internal communication transport.
internode_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted internal communication transport.
ssl_internode_port: 7002
The address to listen on for the gossip communication transport.
gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted gossip communication transport.
ssl_gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the native transport, used for intra-node communication.
storage_port: 7000
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted native transport, used for intra-node communication.
ssl_storage_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the CQL clients.
cql_port: 9042
The address to listen on for the Thrift clients.
thrift_port: 9160
The address to listen on for the cluster management interface (CMI).
cmi_port: 9990
The address to listen on for the metrics reporting service.
metrics_reporter_port: 9200
The address to listen on for the jolokia agent.
jolokia_port: 8778
The address to listen on for the HTTP service.
http_port: 8080
The address to listen on for the experimental HTTP service.
experimental_http_port: 8081
The address to listen on for the internal communication transport.
internode_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted internal communication transport.
ssl_internode_port: 7002
The address to listen on for the gossip communication transport.
gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted gossip communication transport.
ssl_gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the native transport, used for intra-node communication.
storage_port: 7000
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted native transport, used for intra-node communication.
ssl_storage_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the CQL clients.
cql_port: 9042
The address to listen on for the Thrift clients.
thrift_port: 9160
The address to listen on for the cluster management interface (CMI).
cmi_port: 9990
The address to listen on for the metrics reporting service.
metrics_reporter_port: 9200
The address to listen on for the jolokia agent.
jolokia_port: 8778
The address to listen on for the HTTP service.
http_port: 8080
The address to listen on for the experimental HTTP service.
experimental_http_port: 8081
The address to listen on for the internal communication transport.
internode_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted internal communication transport.
ssl_internode_port: 7002
The address to listen on for the gossip communication transport.
gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted gossip communication transport.
ssl_gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the native transport, used for intra-node communication.
storage_port: 7000
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted native transport, used for intra-node communication.
ssl_storage_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the CQL clients.
cql_port: 9042
The address to listen on for the Thrift clients.
thrift_port: 9160
The address to listen on for the cluster management interface (CMI).
cmi_port: 9990
The address to listen on for the metrics reporting service.
metrics_reporter_port: 9200
The address to listen on for the jolokia agent.
jolokia_port: 8778
The address to listen on for the HTTP service.
http_port: 8080
The address to listen on for the experimental HTTP service.
experimental_http_port: 8081
The address to listen on for the internal communication transport.
internode_port: 7001
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted internal communication transport.
ssl_internode_port: 7002
The address to listen on for the gossip communication transport.
gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted gossip communication transport.
ssl_gossip_port: 7199
The address to listen on for the native transport, used for intra-node communication.
storage_port: 7000
The address to listen on for the SSL encrypted native transport, used for intra-node communication.
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