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[AI-人工智能]边界AICHAT - 超级永久终身会员激活 史诗级神器,口碑炸裂!300万人都在用的AI平台
随着计算机辅助工程(CAE)的快速发展,OpenFOAM 作为一款开源的计算流体动力学(CFD)软件,受到了越来越多科研人员和工程师的青睐,本文将详细介绍如何在 Ubuntu 操作系统下配置和安装 OpenFOAM,帮助读者顺利搭建 CFD 模拟环境。
在开始配置 OpenFOAM 之前,请确保您的 Ubuntu 系统满足以下要求:
1、操作系统:Ubuntu 18.04 或更高版本
2、CPU:64 位处理器
3、内存:至少 4GB
4、硬盘:至少 20GB 的可用空间
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install g++ gfortran
OpenFOAM 支持并行计算,因此需要安装并行计算库,输入以下命令安装:
sudo apt-get install mpich libmpich-dev
OpenFOAM 还需要以下依赖库,输入以下命令安装:
sudo apt-get install cmake git gitk libopenmpi-dev libfftw3-dev libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev
下载 OpenFOAM
1、访问 OpenFOAM 官方网站(https://openfoam.org/),下载最新版本的源代码。
编译 OpenFOAM
1、打开终端,进入 OpenFOAM 源代码目录。
#!/bin/bash Set the source and build directories export WM_PROJECT_DIR=$(pwd) export WM_PROJECT_VERSION=8 export WM_compile=ThirdParty export WM_PRECISION=dp export WM_LABEL_SIZE=32 export WMarching Bands=off export WMmesh=off export WMclean=off export WMdoxygen=off export WMOpenGL=off export WMterminal=off export WMundef=off export WMversion=off Create the build directory mkdir -p $WM_PROJECT_DIR/build/$WM_PROJECT_VERSION/src cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/build/$WM_PROJECT_VERSION/src Compile the ThirdParty libraries echo "Compiling ThirdParty libraries..." $WM_PROJECT_DIR/src/ThirdParty/Allwmake Compile OpenFOAM echo "Compiling OpenFOAM..." $WM_PROJECT_DIR/src/Allwmake Create symbolic links to the applications and libraries echo "Creating symbolic links..." ln -sf $WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$WM_PRECISION/lib $WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER ln -sf $WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$WM_PRECISION/bin $WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER Update the environment variables echo "Updating environment variables..." cat > $WM_PROJECT_DIR/setenv.sh << EOF Set the source and build directories export WM_PROJECT_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR export WM_PROJECT_VERSION=$WM_PROJECT_VERSION export WM_COMPILE=$WM_compile export WM_PRECISION=$WM_PRECISION export WM_LABEL_SIZE=$WM_LABEL_SIZE export WMarching Bands=$WMarching Bands export WMmesh=$WMmesh export WMclean=$WMclean export WMdoxygen=$WMdoxygen export WMOpenGL=$WMOpenGL export WMterminal=$WMterminal export WMundef=$WMundef export WMversion=$WMversion Set the path to the ThirdParty libraries export WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/src/ThirdParty Set the path to the OpenFOAM libraries and applications export WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR=$HOME/OpenFOAM export WM_PROJECT_APP_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/bin export WM_PROJECT_LIB_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/lib Set the path to the OpenFOAM Python modules export PYTHONPATH=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH Set the path to the OpenFOAM bash completion script export WM_BASHRC=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bashrc Set the path to the OpenFOAM man pages export WM_MANPATH=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/man:$WM_MANPATH Set the path to the OpenFOAM documentation export WM_DOC_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc Set the path to the OpenFOAM examples export WM_EXAMPLES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/tutorials Set the path to the OpenFOAM tests export WM_TESTS_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/test Set the path to the OpenFOAM utilities export WM_UTILS_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/utils Set the path to the OpenFOAM modules export WM_MODULES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/modules Set the path to the OpenFOAM contrib export WM_CONTRIB_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/contrib Set the path to the OpenFOAM packages export WM_PACKAGES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/packages Set the path to the OpenFOAM source directories export WM_SRC_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/src Set the path to the OpenFOAM build directories export WM_BUILD_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/build/$WM_PROJECT_VERSION/src Set the path to the OpenFOAM platform directories export WM_ARCH=$WM_ARCH export WM_COMPILER=$WM_COMPILER Set the path to the OpenFOAM options file export WM_OPTIONS=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/options Set the path to the OpenFOAM site file export WM_SITE=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/site Set the path to the OpenFOAM etc directory export WM_ETC=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/etc Set the path to the OpenFOAM bash completion script export WM_BASHRC=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bashrc Set the path to the OpenFOAM man pages export WM_MANPATH=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/man:$WM_MANPATH Set the path to the OpenFOAM documentation export WM_DOC_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc Set the path to the OpenFOAM examples export WM_EXAMPLES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/tutorials Set the path to the OpenFOAM tests export WM_TESTS_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/test Set the path to the OpenFOAM utilities export WM_UTILS_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/utils Set the path to the OpenFOAM modules export WM_MODULES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/modules Set the path to the OpenFOAM contrib export WM_CONTRIB_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/contrib Set the path to the OpenFOAM packages export WM_PACKAGES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/packages Set the path to the OpenFOAM source directories export WM_SRC_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/src Set the path to the OpenFOAM build directories export WM_BUILD_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/build/$WM_PROJECT_VERSION/src Set the path to the OpenFOAM platform directories export WM_ARCH=$WM_ARCH export WM_COMPILER=$WM_COMPILER Set the path to the OpenFOAM options file export WM_OPTIONS=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/options Set the path to the OpenFOAM site file export WM_SITE=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/site Set the path to the OpenFOAM etc directory export WM_ETC=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/etc Set the path to the OpenFOAM bash completion script export WM_BASHRC=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bashrc Set the path to the OpenFOAM man pages export WM_MANPATH=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/man:$WM_MANPATH Set the path to the OpenFOAM documentation export WM_DOC_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc Set the path to the OpenFOAM examples export WM_EXAMPLES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/tutorials Set the path to the OpenFOAM tests export WM_TESTS_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/test Set the path to the OpenFOAM utilities export WM_UTILS_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/utils Set the path to the OpenFOAM modules export WM_MODULES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/modules Set the path to the OpenFOAM contrib export WM_CONTRIB_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/contrib Set the path to the OpenFOAM packages export WM_PACKAGES_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/packages Set the path to the OpenFOAM source directories export WM_SRC_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/src Set the path to the OpenFOAM build directories export WM_BUILD_DIR=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/build/$WM_PROJECT_VERSION/src Set the path to the OpenFOAM platform directories export WM_ARCH=$WM_ARCH export WM_COMPILER=$WM_COMPILER Set the path to the Open
Ubuntu OpenFOAM 配置:ubuntu openoffice