
[AI-人工智能]中英文对照版:|微观 世界,Midjourney微观世界,Micro World Microscope: Midjourneys Comparative Edition for AI



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Microworlds is the name of a book by Stephen Hawking, published in 2003. It explores the idea that the universe cOnsists of an infinite number of "microworlds," which are tiny subatomic particles and structures. The book delves into the complex nature of these worlds and how they interact with one another to form larger structures.,The term "microworld" refers to the very small scale of these structures, where atoms and other subatomic particles exist. These microworlds are so small that they cannot be observed directly, but scientists can still study them through advanced technology such as electron microscopy.,Hawking argues that the existence of these microworlds challenges our understanding of space and time. He suggests that the laws of physics may change at these scales, leading to new phenomena and possibilities for future scientific discovery.,Overall, Microworlds is a thought-provoking exploration of the nature of reality at the smallest scale. It raises important questions about the nature of matter and energy, and what we can learn from studying these microscopic structures.



- Midjourney

- 微观世界

- Microscope

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